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Pistachio Chewy Bite Plum
Vegan Lemon Squares



  • 12 snack sized, individually wrapped
    pistachio chewy bites


  • 2 vegan eggs

  • 1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce

  • 1 cup Whole Earth baking blend

  • 2 tbsp coconut flour

  • 1/2 tsp baking powder

  • 4 tbsp lime juice

Optional: powdered sugar to sprinkle on at the end


1. Crust:

  • Unwrap all the pistachio chewy bites, roll into a large ball.

  • Line a 9 inch glass pie pan with parchment paper, flatten bites out into a crust on the
    bottom of the pan.

2.  Filling:

  • Make your vegan egg according to instructions, set aside.

  • Combine all filling ingredients together in a large mixing bowl, adding eggs last, stir until combined.

  • Pour filling on top of crust.

3. Bake in oven on 350F until filling has set, about 45 minutes.

  • Note:  You will notice the sugar burning on the edges when it is done. Although the filling may appear to not have fully set, you can remove from oven and set out to allow it to finish cooking through without burning.

4. Carefully peel parchment paper away from the lemon squares (will be sticky!).

5. Can serve filling side up, or crust side up for an "upside down" lemon square, depending on appearance preference.

6. Sprinkle some powdered sugar on top, and enjoy!


Source: Megan Borys



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