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Pistachio Chewy Bite
Baked Donuts with Vanilla Icing

Yields 6 large donuts



1 cup organic unbleached all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ cup un-refined evaporated cane sugar

¼ teaspoon sea salt

¾ cup original almond milk, plus ½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar

1/3 cup neutral tasting oil (safflower)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

4-5 Setton Farms Pistachio Chewy Bites, finely chopped



Pre-heat oven to 350●.


In a large bowl, combine flours, baking powder, sugar and sea salt and whisk until uniform.


In a small bowl, add almond milk and apple cider vinegar and set aside to curdle, about 1-2 minutes.


Add almond milk mixture, oil and vanilla extract to dry ingredients. Whisk until uniform.  Fold 3 chopped Setton Farms Pistachio Chewy Bites into batter. Reserve remainder for topping.


Grease donut pan generously with cooking spray and pour batter into each donut shape.  Leave about ¼ inch for batter to rise and clean any excess batter from center of each donut to prevent sticking.


Bake for about 21-24 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Let cool before glazing. Place on a cooling rack over a baking sheet with walls, to collect icing.


Vanilla Icing:

2 teaspoons non-hydrogenated buttery spread (Earth Balance)

1 ½ cups organic powdered sugar (Wholesome Sweeteners)

1 tablespoon soymilk creamer or almond milk

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

Dash of sea salt


In a small pot, melt buttery spread and add in powdered sugar.  Whisk until lumpy.  Add soymilk creamer or almond milk, vanilla extract and salt. Whisk until smooth, about 1 minute and remove from heat.  


To glaze donuts, drizzle a small amount of glaze over each donut, making sure there is a baking sheet to catch the run-off.  Sprinkle right away with Chewy Bites before glaze hardens.  Set aside to cool. 


Source: Spork Foods



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